"Architecture Patterns with Python," co-authored by Harry Percival and Bob Gregory, is a groundbreaking exploration of architectural design principles in Python software development. In this inaugural edition, Percival and Gregory...
"Classic Computer Science Problems in Python" by David Kopec provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental computer science concepts and their implementations in Python. The book covers a range of topics...
"Get Programming: Learn to Code with Python 1st Edition" by Ana Bell is an engaging and comprehensive introduction to the world of programming using Python. Through clear explanations, practical examples,...
"Impractical Python Projects: Playful Programming Activities to Make You Smarter" by Lee Vaughan invites readers into a world where Python programming transcends mere functionality and dives headfirst into the realm...
"Introduction to Numerical Programming: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers Using Python and C/C++" authored by Titus A. Beu offers a comprehensive introduction to the world of numerical programming,...
In "Numerical Methods With Python For The Sciences," author William Miles provides a comprehensive guide tailored for scientists and researchers seeking to harness the power of numerical methods using Python....
"Python Tools for Scientists: An Introduction to Using Anaconda, JupyterLab, and Python's Scientific Libraries by Lee Vaughan (Author)" offers a comprehensive guide for scientists, researchers, and enthusiasts seeking to harness...